Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stone Turtle Baking

Michael Jubinsky of the Stone Turtle, Standing in front of the beautiful, Le Paynol oven.

The Stone Turtle

Turning the corner around 3 foot high snow banks, I made my way past ice covered trees to a pizza cooking class at a school nestled in the woods of Lyman. The newly built barn that houses Stone Turtle Baking and Cooking School is the home of a large wood fired oven called Le Panyol, and a beautiful state-of-the-art kitchen. The classes center around bread baking, in all of its manifestations and accompaniments. This is the brain child of couple Michael and Sandy Jubinsky. The Jubinskys have a long and rich history with food and teaching. Michael was a spokesman for King Arthur Flour for over 25 years, teaching classes and filming instructional videos, with Sandy at the helm, also a chef and food writer.

Baking pizza in their kitchen was an honor to both the senses and the intellect. I stood in front of the Panyol, taking in its gentle warmth and eye-pleasing construction. Michael points out that in contrast to the stainless steel appliances across the room, the wood fired oven stood the test of time, the design for which is over 3000 years old.

The class was well organized and brought out the best in its students. You have the chance to taste, feel, and engage in the process of making food. It is no wonder that the classes fill quickly. The Jubinsky’s humor and pace made the process come alive. I scooped, measured, kneaded, and rolled, finally topping my pizzas and strombolis with fresh local ingredients. I laughed along with my fellow students at how easy this once daunting task became.

Stone Turtle offers a variety of classes and caters to students interested in self-sufficieny, artisanal process, and good food.